Welcome to Become Magnetic!!
In this 3-part Intensive, we are going to delve into ourselves and begin lovingly clearing out what no longer serves us.
Session 1 will be focused on the first 3 chakras:
Solar Plexus
Session 2 will be focused on the Heart & High Heart chakras
Session 3 will be focused on the final 3 chakras:
Third Eye
Be in a open, heart-centered space
Be in a quiet, undisturbed place
Be in a space where you can lie down comfortably
Have a pen & journal for any notes or insights
Have headphones, an eye mask & pillow/blanket - especially for the Sound/Energy Healing portion
Have your favorite crystals
Clear your space with your smudging, incense and/or your intention
Do your best to limit your consumption of sugar, alcohol, processed foods
Eat nutrient-dense foods
Drink plenty of water
If you feel called, create an altar for your work